Guide to Transforming HEX Colors into RGB Colors: If you're working on CSS or web design projects, understanding how to convert HEX colors to RGB colors is essential. Hexadecimal codes, known for their brevity and ease of sharing, essentially represent the same colors as RGB codes but in a more compact form. Each color format has unique applications and is compatible with CSS and various coding languages.
This guide highlights the benefits of each color format. Read further to learn about converting from HEX to RGB. Mastering this conversion process will make working with color palettes and CSS much easier.
In HEX codes, a color is represented by two digits. To convert a HEX color code to RGB format, first calculate the corresponding decimal values of the hex digits. Alternatively, use a hexadecimal to RGB converter tool.
For Sublime Text 2 users, a free HEX to RGB converter is available for download. Install it using Package Control and then activate it with a keyboard shortcut. In Sublime Text, you can also utilize a for-loop or a regular expression for this conversion.
The converter accurately previews the RGB color representation. Remember, the RGB value is crucial when setting colors in digital image editing software. Familiarizing yourself with the HEX to RGB color converter is essential before you can accurately provide color values.
HEX to RGB Color Reference Table:
Black: HEX #000000 | RGB (0,0,0)
White: HEX #FFFFFF | RGB (255,255,255)
Red: HEX #FF0000 | RGB (255,0,0)
Lime: HEX #00FF00 | RGB (0,255,0)
Blue: HEX #0000FF | RGB (0,0,255)
Yellow: HEX #FFFF00 | RGB (255,255,0)
Cyan: HEX #00FFFF | RGB (0,255,255)
Magenta: HEX #FF00FF | RGB (255,0,255)
Silver: HEX #C0C0C0 | RGB (192,192,192)
Gray: HEX #808080 | RGB (128,128,128)
Maroon: HEX #800000 | RGB (128,0,0)
Olive: HEX #808000 | RGB (128,128,0)
Green: HEX #008000 | RGB (0,128,0)
Purple: HEX #800080 | RGB (128,0,128)
Teal: HEX #008080 | RGB (0,128,128)
Navy: HEX #000080 | RGB (0,0,128)